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A Brief History of Disney Animation

Walt Disney Animation Studios released its debut animated movie, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, in 1937 and has continued to produce beloved animated films for the past 70 years. (Walt Disney Animation Studios) Located in Burbank, California, the studio produces feature films, short films and television specials. The studio was founded in 1923 by Walt and Roy Disney, and has since produced 53 animated feature films. (The Walt Disney Studios) The brothers first found success with the Alice Comedies, which were silent short films and the animated short named Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. (Oswald)


Disney’s most famous cartoon character was created in secret in 1928. Walt Disney and his lead animator created Mickey Mouse in 1928, and he has since become one of the most recognized brand characters in the world.

The climb to the top of the Box Office charts was not an easy journey as the studios faced bitter union strikes, box office duds and crippling debt over several decades. It wasn’t until the early 1990’s that Disney began to experience great success. The studio finally found a feature format that attracted audiences in droves when Disney released The Little Mermaid, a musical comedy. This time period of resurgence from 1984 to 1994 is now referred to the Disney Renaissance. (Movie: Waking Sleeping Beauty)

History of Disney Animation

Founded in 1923


Founders Walt & Roy Disney


Headquarters in Burbank, CA

About Disney



Preview: Waking Sleeping Beauty, 2009

After experiencing worldwide success with both Aladdin and Lion King, Disney realized that animation could be a lucrative part of its business model and expanded operations. In the mid-1990s, Disney partnered with Pixar to release the first fully computer-animated movie, Toy Story. The partnership with former Disney animator, John Lasseter, proved to be lucrative with Toy Story earning $191 million in its domestic Box Office run. (Box Office Mojo) Disney and Pixar continued their partnership over the next few years with movies such as A Bug’s Life, Toy Story 2 and Monster’s Inc. Disney Animation hit another low in the 2000s, but rebounded in 2006 when Disney acquired Pixar for $7.4 billion. (Eller, 2006)


Disney experienced its greatest animated success to date with the release of Frozen  in 2013. Worldwide, Frozen has amassed more than $1.2 billion during its Box Office run. (Box Office Mojo)


For decades, Disney animated characters have captured the hearts of children and adults alike. This project will examine the lasting effects Disney animated films have had on children with specific attention to parental relationships in many of Disney’s biggest commercial hits.

Timeline of

Disney Animated Films

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - 1937, Evil Stepmother

Pinocchio - 1940, Parental Substitution

Dumbo - 1941, Single Parent

Bambi - 1942, Orphan

Cinderella - 1950, Evil Stepmother

Peter Pan - 1953, Parental Substitution

Lady and the Tramp - 1955, Opposite of Parents as Animals

Sleeping Beauty - 1959, Parental Substitution (fairies)

One Hundred and One Dalmatians - 1961, Opposite of Animals as Parents

The Sword in the Stone - 1963, Orphan

The Jungle Book - 1967, Animals as Parents

The Aristocats - 1970, Single Parent

The Rescuers - 1977, Evil Stepmother

The Fox and the Hound - 1981, Maternal Substitution

Oliver & Company - 1988, Orphan

The Little Mermaid - 1989, Single Parent, Maternal Substitution

Beauty and the Beast - 1991, Daughter as Wife

Aladdin - 1992, Daughter as Wife

The Lion King - 1994, Dead Parent, In likeness of parent

Toy Story - 1995, Single Parent

Pocahontas - 1995, Nature as Parental Substitution

Hunchback of Notre Dame - 1996, Mom killed on screen, orphaned

Hercules - 1997, Living Parents

Mulan - 1998, Living Parents

Tarzan - 1999, Orphan, Animals as Parents

Monster’s Inc. - 2001, Paternal Substitution

Lilo & Stitch - 2002, Orphan, Parental Substitution

Finding Nemo, 2003, Single Parent, Maternal Substitution

The Incredibles - 2004, Full Parent Unit

Meet the Robinsons - 2007

The Princess and the Frog - 2009, In likeness of parent

Up - 2009, Paternal Substitution

Tangled - 2010, Evil Stepmother

Brave - 2012, Full Parent Unit

Frozen - 2013, Orphans, Maternal Substitution

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